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How do I cancel my account?
How do I cancel my account?
Jesse Senger avatar
Written by Jesse Senger
Updated over a week ago

If you are struggling to use your credits up, there are a few options:

  1. Schedule a content strategy consultation to make a game plan for using Rolla's video templates strategically and maximizing your current plan. After all, you know you need to make the amount of videos you committed to, so we highly suggest this!

  2. Use the chat bubble in the bottom right of this page to request an extension on your upcoming renewal so that you have more time to use your current credits.

If you still want to downgrade or cancel your plan:

  1. Head to the dashboard on the website app.

  2. Scroll past the active projects section and under the Support section select "Your Plan".

  3. In the Account Portal, select the subscription

  4. Hit the Cancel Subscription

Want to downgrade you account instead of cancel?

  • Instead of the "Cancel Subscription" option, select the "Edit Subscription".

  • Then, select the "Change" option

  • Then, click the plan name and choose the plan and frequency you want! Here is our pricing page that breaks down the difference between the plans.

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